Adding value helps us feel valued.

As a principle of positive psychology, we enable participants to contribute.

The only way to build social capital is by giving it away.  

Some say, “give, get, give.” We add, “No guarantees.”

Asking for help shows confidence.

And it creates connection and builds relationships.

Look for skin in the game.

From founder to corporate leader, something is at stake. We’re inspired by that.

Nothing less than the expansion of human consciousness.

More wholeness, more integral, more embrace - that’s the aim. Otherwise, what are we doing here?


Founded 2017. Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Serving startup founders, corporate teams, and impact leaders throughout the United States.


Tim Schuster

Hi! My name is Tim. I live in a blue house in North Minneapolis with Kelsey and our two daughters. I love seeing the power of ideas to dismantle limiting beliefs and unlock a sense of possibility. I hope we connect soon. LinkedIn >>>>