Join the facilitators.
Learn about training, tools, support, and compensation as you coach leaders, facilitate energizing events, make new connections, and grow your business.
Who are the facilitators?
Consultants - Strategy, culture, marketing, and management.
Coaches - Leadership, executive, and business coaches.
Marketers - Creative agencies, designers, and strategists.
What it’s for
Get new clients - Show prospects how you work and collaborate.
Expand the network - Facilitate sessions with 25+ participants.
Better engagement - Bring people together and build client momentum.
Why it works
Everyone believes that brainstorming generates new ideas.
Effective strategic planning separates divergent and convergent thinking. Divergence creates options, explores possibilities, and offers creative solutions. Then, convergence makes choices, allocates resources, and executes. We suggest separating the two with a night of sleep (or lunch).
At PopUpThinkTank, divergent thinking (brainstorming and ideation) also creates energy, builds community, and activates the next steps. We think engagement is more important than the content of the ideas (though we’ve seen great ideas over the years).
When a facilitator and client share the experience of planning and executing a PopUpThinkTank, they create energy, build trust, and expand their networks, setting the foundation for a thriving working relationship.
Created for business coaches, consultants, and marketing people who want to serve current and prospective clients.
We designed PopUpThinkTank for founders & entrepreneurs, and we’re actively growing our services for enterprise & corporate groups, too.
When preparing for an event, plan about 1-2 hours per week over 5-6 weeks. In addition to the 90-minute event/session, facilitators use emails, coaching sessions, and materials prep to prepare for the event.
Training happens in three
1) We’ll do a ‘think tank’ for your business, featuring you. You’ll get first-hand experience (and all the benefits, too).
2) Then, you will facilitate an event with a coach observer. You will receive timely feedback, just-in-time coaching, and the necessary tools and resources to lead, coach, and facilitate the session.
3) Belong to a community of consultants, coaches, and marketers learning from each other.
If you’re looking for video resources, tools, and templates, we have that, too. -
Yes, this is ideal for potential and current clients. Build your coaching, consulting, and marketing practice.
We hope so! There can’t make any guarantees, but we know when we show up and guide our clients well, we are in position to earn more work and more clients.