B2B Consultancy Productizing Better Leadership Transitions
Ben Bomar
President & Founder
Lithyus Group
Company Overview
Their space: HR & leadership, technology, private equity, transitions
Their stage: Post-revenue consultancy looking to productive (and scale) their offering/value proposition
The problem they solve: Leaders move on (or up), leaving a knowledge gap.
Challenges & opportunities (before PopUpThinkTank)
Network activation - Network outreach relied too heavily on the strengths (or weaknesses) of Ben’s personal & professional relationships.
Value proposition - Lack of confidence & validation thwarting go-to-market motions & strategies.
Voice of the customer - Needed to source and hear in their words the pains (and potential gains) related to the product value.
“The brain power alone is worth the investment. 20+ people - whose opinions you value - thinking hard about the problems your organization faces (or solves) for an hour and a half.”
Event Design & Format
Welcome & introductions
5-minute Lithyus overview
Founder interview
Individual reflection: “I like / I wish”
Breakout groups
Final thoughts & survey invitation
Key results
“The idea and premise of Lithyus is validated” (reported by Ben)
100+ people know more about Lithyus simply by virtue of being invited
30 people know significantly more about Lithyus than they did before
10 - # of people whom I wouldn't have met otherwise are in the know
Investor interest
Outstanding & useful soundbites for social media campaigns
Specific recommendations on stories, examples, and topics to address in pitch meetings
10 - # of participants who agree or strongly agree: “I would like to make an introduction for Ben.”
19 - # of participants who agree or strongly agree: “I would like to help Ben.”
“None of us succeeds alone. Thank you to the team at Pop Up Think Tank and Tim Schuster for facilitating an outstanding session last week. The 30 participants have our lasting appreciation for their time and insights.
In 90 minutes, the group validated assumptions, challenged others, and created a treasure trove of ideas and opportunities.
We invite any founders interested in learning about innovative ways to connect with their networks to reach out to me. We’re a proud reference for Tim and team.”
Design a PopUpThinkTank event for your business.