BETA Showcase Winner: Trunkdrop Kickstarts a Seed Round


Jon Schoen
Founder & CEO, Trunkdrop
Minneapolis, Minnnesota

Trunkdrop Overview

  • Contactless, on-demand asset delivery & courier service

  • Driver-friendly, designed for all regulatory environments

  • Spring 2022 BETA Showcase Winner

  • Raising $1.2 million Seed Round

Accelerator Event Partnership

Founder Interview

Short and simple: 1) What are you building? 2) Why does it matter? 3) What is the vision? 4) How can we help? 5) What do you enjoy most about leading this company?

25+ Thinkers from the Twin Cities Startup Ecosystem

We invited creators, connectors, strategists, and curious people who show up to learn, contribute and connect.

Ideation & Brainstorming Design

We collaborated with the Trunkdrop team to design ideation prompts.

  1. All About Talent - How can Trunkdrop recruit talented professionals? Brainstorm recruitment channels, networks, and strategies to help Trunkdrop find the right people at the right time.

  2. Fundraising Can Be Fun - Brainstorm alternative funding ideas, best practices, untold secrets, investor connections, and “all the things” that can help Trunkdrop raise money.

  3. PR & Social Media Influencers - How can Trunkdrop leverage influencers to expand and grow? Brainstorm tactics & strategies aimed at partnering with content creators and influencers.

  4. Win-Win Partnerships - Who would benefit from a strategic partnership with Trunkdrop? Brainstorm names of individuals, companies, and organizations that could be interested in hearing from Trunkdrop.

Survey for Next Steps

We asked participants how they wanted to be involved with Trunkdrop — and how to get plugged into the Twin Cities startup ecosystem.

Thanks for the time you took today to bring everyone together and create positive energy. I love how you and BETA continue to bring awareness to all the great thinking and minds we have in MN and the Twin Cities!
— Michael A, Participant

Design your Pop Up Think Tank. Contact us about collaborating.


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