9 Questions That Keep Founders Up at Night (But Don’t Have To)

  1. If this doesn’t work, what will it say about me? 

  2. When will we get our first customer? 

  3. Should I learn how to do it or hire someone to do it? 

  4. Will my old job take me back? 

  5. How do we find, hire, train, and lead people? (And convenience them to stay?) 

  6. How should we price our product?

  7. How much of a paycheck should I take?  

  8. How do I find the time to manage all of this?

  9. Who will join me in this adventure? 

On the other hand, one question that gets them up in the morning (and every morning): 

What if this works?


Wisdom is knowing the difference


What will you do with all that advice?